Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sometimes I sit and dream of a world where love was was only possible to feel in the most perfect situation. A place where you weren't reduced to friend space just because the other was scared. A place where people took chances just to obtain said love.

I think our society has gotten to the point where love is just an accessory. What used to be expressions of love have been boiled down to the desire to be physically connected. Spiritual connection seems to have been put on the backburner for a more tangible, immediate release.

So why haven't I gotten the memo?

For some reason, I still hold on to the promise God has given me, and like I was telling one of my sisters this morning, I refuse to waste my time with a false sense of security for pseudo-love. Most of me didn't want to let go because I saw so much potential there and I wanted it to be everything I needed. But I failed to understand that potential just isn't enough if the other person isn't seeing it the same way.

So I guess it's a good thing that I've stayed single this long. Perhaps I just have to learn how to be more than a one-man woman.

Anyone have any skills in playing the field... the RIGHT way?
I need your help.


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